Amiga Plus 2004 #2
Amiga Plus CD - 2004 - No. 02.iso
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Text File
453 lines
; .sav to .gbs converter
incdir "binworld:includes/"
include "exec/memory.i"
include "dos/dos.i"
include "exec_lib.i"
include "dos_lib.i"
; section juures,code
sav_to_gbs: movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(SP) ;stack!
move.l execbase,exec_base ;cache it locally.
move.l a0,cli_input ;store the pointer.
move.l exec_base,a6
lea dos_name,a1
moveq.l #39,d0
jsr OpenLibrary(a6)
move.l d0,dos_base
beq.w quit
; allocate some memory
move.l exec_base,a6
move.l #256,d0
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC!MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,name_input ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit
move.l #256,d0
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC!MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,name_output ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit
move.l #256,d0
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC!MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,file_info_ptr ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit
move.l #$10000,d0
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC!MEMF_CLEAR,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,cartridge_ram ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit
; empty input?
move.l cli_input,a0
cmp.b #$A,(a0)
beq.w show_syntax
; read input and output names
move.l cli_input,a0
move.l name_input,a1
bsr.b get_name
tst.l d0
bne.w quit
subq.l #1,a0 ;back one step.
move.l name_output,a1
bsr.b get_name
tst.l d0
bne.w quit
bra.w load_data
; get name
; a0 = input.
; a1 = output.
get_name: move.w #256-1,d0
get_name_start: move.b (a0)+,d1
beq.s get_name_error
cmp.b #" ",d1
bne.s get_name_get
dbra d0,get_name_start
bra.s get_name_error
get_name_get: move.b d1,(a1)+
get_name_data: move.b (a0)+,d1
beq.s get_name_end
cmp.b #" ",d1
beq.s get_name_end
cmp.b #$A,d1
beq.s get_name_end
move.b d1,(a1)+
dbra d0,get_name_data
bra.s get_name_error
get_name_end: clr.b (a1)
moveq.l #0,d0 ;no errors.
get_name_error: moveq.l #1,d0 ;error!
; find out if the file can be unpacked with xpk master
load_data: move.l dos_base,a6
move.l name_input,d1 ;the name.
moveq.l #ACCESS_READ,d2
jsr Lock(a6)
move.l d0,file_hd
beq.w error_in_open ;en error occurred!
move.l file_info_ptr,d2
move.l file_hd,d1
jsr Examine(a6) ;load file info.
move.l file_hd,d1
jsr UnLock(a6) ;unlock it.
take_the_length:move.l file_info_ptr,a0
move.l 124(a0),file_length ;store the length.
; check the file size
cmp.l #8192,file_length
beq.s l_is_ok
cmp.l #8192*4,file_length
bne.w error_in_size
; cartridge loader memory handler
move.l exec_base,a6
move.l file_length,d0
moveq.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;the system flags.
jsr AllocVec(a6)
move.l d0,cartridge ;the pointer here.
beq.w quit ;not enough memory! quit.
; now load the file
move.l dos_base,a6 ;open the data file.
move.l name_input,d1 ;the name of the file.
move.l #Mode_Old,d2
jsr Open(a6) ;narsk.
move.l d0,file_hd
beq.w quit ;file error!
move.l d0,d1 ;file_hd.
move.l cartridge,d2 ;output address.
move.l file_length,d3 ;the length.
jsr Read(a6) ;read.
move.l file_hd,d1
jsr Close(a6) ;click.
; prepare the values
move.l cartridge_ram,a0
clr.l (a0)+ ;z80_halt.B, 3x.B 0.
move.l #$00D80013,(a0)+ ;bcde.
move.l #$100,(a0)+ ;pc.
move.l #$0000014D,(a0)+ ;hl.
move.l #$0000B001,(a0)+ ;fa.
clr.l (a0)+ ;ccr.
move.l #$0000FFFE,(a0)+ ;sp.
clr.l (a0)+ ;compability.
clr.l (a0)+
clr.l (a0)+
clr.l (a0)+
move.l #453/5,(a0)+ ;z80_cycles.
clr.l (a0)+ ;bank_address-rom_32k.
clr.l (a0) ;ram_bank_no.
; now save the RAM banks as a .gbs file
move.l dos_base,a6 ;open the data file.
move.l name_output,d1 ;the name of the file.
move.l #Mode_New,d2
jsr Open(a6) ;narsk.
move.l d0,file_hd
beq.w error_in_save ;file error!
move.l d0,d1 ;file_hd.
move.l cartridge_ram,d2 ;input address.
moveq.l #56,d3 ;the length.
jsr Write(a6) ;write.
; now save out the RAM
move.l file_hd,d1
move.l cartridge_ram,d2
add.l #56,d2
move.l #$A000-$8000,d3 ;video ram.
jsr Write(a6)
move.l file_hd,d1
move.l cartridge,d2
move.l #$2000,d3 ;ram bank 0.
jsr Write(a6)
move.l file_hd,d1
move.l cartridge_ram,d2
add.l #56,d2
move.l #$FF00-$C000,d3 ;upper ram.
jsr Write(a6)
move.l cartridge_ram,a0
add.l #56,a0
move.l a0,a1
addq.l #7,a1
move.b #$F8,(a1) ;TIMCONT = $f8!
subq.l #1,a1
move.b #1,(a1) ;TIMEMOD = 1.
subq.l #1,a1
move.b #1,(a1) ;TIMECNT = 1.
move.l a0,a2
add.l #$40,a2 ;a2 = LCDCONT.
move.b #$81,(a2)
addq.l #1,a2 ;a2 = LCDSTAT.
clr.b (a2)
addq.l #4,a2 ;a2 = CMPLINE.
move.b #$ff,(a2)
move.b #%11111111,(a0) ;reset the buttons.
move.l file_hd,d1
move.l cartridge_ram,d2
add.l #56,d2
move.l #$10000-$FF00,d3 ;upmost ram.
jsr Write(a6)
; now many banks must be saved?
move.l cartridge_ram,a0
add.l #56,a0
cmp.l #8192,file_length
beq.s l_8192
l_32768: move.l #4,(a0) ;four banks.
move.l file_hd,d1
move.l cartridge_ram,d2
add.l #56,d2
moveq.l #4,d3 ;misc bytes.
jsr Write(a6)
move.l file_hd,d1
move.l cartridge,d2
move.l #$2000*4,d3 ;the four ram banks.
jsr Write(a6)
move.l cartridge_ram,a0
add.l #56,a0
clr.b (a0) ;i_flag.
move.l file_hd,d1
move.l cartridge_ram,d2
add.l #56,d2
moveq.l #1,d3 ;i_flag.
jsr Write(a6)
bra.s exit_save
l_8192: clr.l (a0)+ ;no banks saved.
clr.b (a0) ;i_flag.
move.l file_hd,d1
move.l cartridge_ram,d2
add.l #56,d2
moveq.l #5,d3 ;misc bytes.
jsr Write(a6)
; close the output
exit_save: move.l file_hd,d1
jsr Close(a6) ;click.
bsr.w get_output
move.l #ok_message,d2
move.l #ok_message_end-ok_message,d3
bsr.w print_message
; quit / exit
quit: move.l exec_base,a6
move.l cartridge,d0
bsr.b free_vec_sub
move.l name_input,d0
bsr.b free_vec_sub
move.l name_output,d0
bsr.b free_vec_sub
move.l cartridge_ram,d0
bsr.b free_vec_sub
move.l file_info_ptr,d0
bsr.b free_vec_sub
move.l dos_base,d0
move.l d0,a1
beq.s no_free_dos
jsr CloseLibrary(a6)
no_free_dos: movem.l (SP)+,d2-d7/a2-a6 ;unstack!
moveq.l #0,d0 ;no errors.
free_vec_sub: move.l d0,a1
beq.s no_vec ;no vector.
jsr FreeVec(a6) ;free the area.
no_vec: rts
; (error) messages
error_in_open: bsr.b get_output
move.l #e_open_msg,d2
move.l #e_open_msg_end-e_open_msg,d3
bsr.b print_message
bra.b quit
error_in_save: bsr.b get_output
move.l #e_save_msg,d2
move.l #e_save_msg_end-e_save_msg,d3
bsr.b print_message
bra.b quit
error_in_size: bsr.b get_output
move.l #e_size_msg,d2
move.l #e_size_msg_end-e_size_msg,d3
bsr.b print_message
bra.w quit
show_syntax: bsr.b get_output
move.l #syntax_msg,d2
move.l #syntax_msg_end-syntax_msg,d3
bsr.b print_message
bra.w quit
; get the output pointer / print an message
get_output: move.l dos_base,a6
jsr Output(a6)
print_message: move.l d0,d1
jsr Write(a6)
; section murrr,data
dos_name: dc.b "dos.library",0
exec_base: dc.l 0
dos_base: dc.l 0
cli_input: dc.l 0
file_length: dc.l 0
file_hd: dc.l 0
name_input: dc.l 0
name_output: dc.l 0
cartridge: dc.l 0
cartridge_ram: dc.l 0
file_info_ptr: dc.l 0
; the syntax message
syntax_msg: dc.b $A
dc.b " VGB .sav to Wzonka-Lad .gbs file converter v1.0",$A
dc.b " Copyright 1997 Ville Helin (01-Jun-97) ",$A,$A
dc.b "SYNTAX: sav_to_gbs [INPUT NAME (.SAV)] [OUTPUT NAME (.GBS)]",$A,$A
dc.b 0
syntax_msg_end: even
; error messages
e_save_msg: dc.b "Error in output.",$A
dc.b 0
e_save_msg_end: even
e_open_msg: dc.b "Error in input.",$A
dc.b 0
e_open_msg_end: even
e_size_msg: dc.b "Error in size. Must be 8192/32768 bytes.",$A
dc.b 0
e_size_msg_end: even
; no conversion errors message
ok_message: dc.b "No errors.",$A
dc.b 0
ok_message_end: even
; version string
snapshot_to_sav:dc.b "$VER: .sav to .gbs converter 1.0 (01.06.97)",0